
Friday, March 22, 2013

Good News & Spring break at Disneyland!!!

Hey friends sorry I know it has been awhile since my last post! But we have been so busy doing fun things! My semester is about to an end yay and I had spring break last week, I was going to take toCharlee Jean to  Disneyland in June for her birthday but I had some exciting news come up that changed our plans! I GOT ACCEPTED INTO A SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM! which means I have about two years of school left! yay there is a silver lining :) Its at Western Governors University so its all online at my own pace and I don't pay per credit I pay for 6 month period which will save me money! So I will start in June I am beyond excited!!! I also got a new job as a Substitute Teacher, why I did this you ask so I can work in all the districts around me and have two years to decide what grade and where I would like to apply to work when I am done.

So now for the fun vacation stuff! We set off to Vegas (only for a night) Charlee Jean and I drove there, then that morning headed to Cali! Where we hit kind of a road bump, car problems, I drove my step dads tahoe and the alternator went out! Not to worry I broke down literally next to a AAA guy who towed me to the AAA shop where they had my car up and on its way in an hour lucky right! We made it to our first spot New Port Beach, my cousins live in Costa Mesa which is ten minutes away so we spent the first half of the week with them! We went to angels stadium, LA zoo, and Laguna beach! Wednesday we headed to Irvine and went on a Easter egg hunt! Then we picked up my mom, step dad and grandma and headed to Anaheim to go to Disneyland! Lets just say it was MAGICAL! Charlee Jean got to meet all the princesses and road everything she was tall enough to ride! She loved it and DID NOT want to come home! It was really fun having all 4 generations there people thought it was amazing! Its something we will be doing every year!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your acceptance! :)
    We just got back from Disneyland and wish we could go back! Looks like you two had a blast!
    Jealous she got to see Tinkerbell!
